What We Do

Workshops & Presentations
Grow your team’s expertise in making content clear. Invest in your organization’s future by expanding your team’s knowledge of plain language and information design. Improve your team’s ability to provide a consistent and compelling customer experience.
Karen Schriver is a sought after speaker who has given hundreds of keynotes, workshops and presentations all over the world. Draw on KSA to achieve these goals:
- Gain a competitive edge with customized workshops that offer the latest insights on business and government writing, plain language, and information design.
- Save time and money by reducing costs linked to poor communications. Stop paying support staff to explain to customers what should already be clear. Plain language pays. Learn how.
- Update your team’s professional skills by honing their ability to analyze users, write better copy, design effective visuals, benchmark progress, and test information products.
- Get data-informed ideas that team members with any level of experience can use right away.